Sillas Manuales / ZIPPIE / Intervención Temprana / Kid Kart® Mighty Lite

Mighty Lite

Movilidad ligero y portátil dispositivo

El Kid Kart® Mighty Lite ligero, silla de ruedas portátil ofrece un posicionamiento ajustable y opciones convenientes cuidadores.

Este producto ha sido descatalogado.

ZIPPIE Mighty Lite Special Needs Stroller


Preguntas frecuentes

Manual Wheelchairs > Zippie Products > Early Intervention Devices > Zippie Voyage > Base > Slide-N-Lock


Advanced has the choice of Crossover with color chosen. Moderate has the Crossover style only with Polka Dots and the color chosen.

No. This requires replacing with a completely new chair.

Advanced Seating: Yes. Moderate Seating: No.

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